Mr. Rhoades has been with the various pipeline companies since 2004. He is currently in charge of overseeing all pipeline and facilities operations as well as project design, planning, permitting, construction, and commissioning. He managed planning, design, permitting, construction, and commissioning of the following notable projects; a 15,000 Mcf/d natural gas processing plant with liquid fractionationation (2013); a 1.5 mile New York Public Service Commission Article 7 pipeline extension with interconnection to National Fuel Distribution (2014); a 60 mile Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Section 7(c) pipeline project consisting of rehabilitation and re-certification of 32 miles of existing pipeline, construction of 28 miles of new pipeline in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and new interconnections with Tennessee Gas Pipeline and Dominion Energy Ohio (2019); a renewable natural gas plant for processing landfill gas (2022). He holds an Associate’s Degree in Electrical Engineering-Digital Computer Technology.